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Now Available ~ Permanent Makeup Lightening/Removal

for Brows, Eyeliner... Small Tattoos considered!

We have all seen them, "Sharpie" eyebrows, "Migrated" eyeliner... too dark, too saturated or poorly placed. Outside the lines? Maybe tattooing done when your hair was dark or colored and now it's lighter or grey?

Now there is a way to remove or lighten these areas in a reasonably priced way. An alternative to laser removal in some cases but not always.

Everyone MUST have a consultation before booking a lightening or removal session.

Not all clients who have had previous permanent makeup procedure are good refresh clients. Sometimes their past color is too saturated to get them their desired look, whether it is softer, a different color or just light hairstrokes. A saturated brow will not hold good color.

Pricing is done at consultation with the average eyebrow session beginning at $250 with step down pricing for multiple procedures.

You must heal a minimum of 8 weeks between each removal sessions and 12 weeks before re-tattooing the area.

You can see the progression and lightening, removal effects of Li-FT Removal below. 

During the Removal process the area is tattooed with removal solution in a very precise way. It may take several sessions to completely remove color but many time it is only necessary to remove a small part of color in order to give a new brow or eyeliner the look it needs once tattooed. This is why a consultation is necessary to determine what level or removal or lightening is best.

In the photo below you will see redness of the brow which you can expect in some cases immediately following the procedure.

This brow shows pigment lightening in order to be able to do a more feathery hairstroke brow. Originally this brow was tattooed in another state and was poorly colored, oversaturated and had a little scar tissue. By lightening 70% of the color we were able to hairstroke a new brow in it's place which will have excellent results!

This process took 3 removal sessions 12 weeks apart. It can be a long process and we cannot exactly predict how many sessions are needed until the process begins.

I am licenced, certified and insured ~ Never settle for less!


Copyright 2003 -2024 - All contents belong to
Owens Beauty LLC /DBA Asheville Permanent Makeup
1101 N Main St - Waynesville NC 28786 -828-255-5554
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