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Areola 3-D Tattooing
Procedures begin Dec 15, 2024

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New Bilateral 3-D Areola - $500
New Unilateral 3-D - $250
Bilateral Refresh - $300
Unilateral Refresh - $150

Each service is eligible for one detail appointment within 4 months at $75

I do not work directly with insurance companies but you will be provided with a detailed receipt for your insurance company in hopes they will cover your cost.


3-D Areola tattooing is the "Finishing Touch" to your breast reconstruction journey. It is an exciting time when reach this stage after all you have been through and I appreciate your journey every day. 

I look forward to working with you to provide the detailed design especially for you and your needs.

My office offers a private peaceful space for your comfort. 

With over 21 years experience in this industry I have had done hundreds of areola tattoos and work with many local physicians, cancer centers, and plastic surgeons.


My office is licenced and Insured for your peace of mind.


I will be adding an areola before and after gallery soon.


Call or text

828-255-5554 or book online!


Copyright 2003 -2024 - All contents belong to
Owens Beauty LLC /DBA Asheville Permanent Makeup
1101 N Main St - Waynesville NC 28786 -828-255-5554
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